February 13, 2015 The stupa is peaceful on this clear midmorning. Light falls through the Bodhi Tree, glancing off its shiny leaves and weaving its way through the spread of the ancient branches. Beneath its canopy Thai pilgrims, all dressed in white, follow ocher-robed monks around the stupa, the call... read more →
31 January 2015, New Delhi This afternoon the Gyalwang Karmapa made his first ever visit to the University of Delhi, where he interacted with students and faculty primarily from the Department of Buddhist Studies and spoke on ‘The Greatness of Small Acts’. He was warmly welcomed to the university with... read more →
29 January 2015, Bodhgaya. The Gyalwang Karmapa spent almost three months in Bodhgaya, beginning in November with the monks' Winter Dharma Gathering followed by the peaceful empowerments from the cycle of Knowing One Frees All, and then teachings on The Torch of True Meaning. These led into the 32nd Kagyu... read more →
January 26, 2015 The road into the Vihar has been lined in soft orange and cream satins embellished with gold sequins, and just after the gate into the Vihar, a large Dharma wheel has been chalked on the red carpeting. Nearby are a group of five male dancers with tall... read more →
January 26, 2015 Inside the now empty and rambling frame of the Monlam kitchen with the bound lengths of bamboo still supporting deep blue tarpaulins, a small shrine has been set up. On the brocade covered table are two rows of the traditional offering bowls, and in front, a large... read more →
26 January, 2015 - Tergar Monastery, Bodhgaya In what has become an annual event during his winter programme, the Gyalwang Karmapa joined in the flag-raising ceremony to celebrate Indian Republic Day. More than a hundred young monks with their teachers lined up in straight lines on the patio outside the... read more →
24 January 2015,Tergar Monastery During the Second Arya Kshema Winter Dharma Gathering the Gyalwang Karmapa made the historical announcement that, beginning next year, he would take concrete steps towards restoring nuns’ vows in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Beginning with the restoration of the novice ‘getsulma’ and training ‘shikshamana’ nun’s vows... read more →