In the morning of May 25, the Karmapa traveled to northwest London to visit BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir, the largest Hindu temple in Europe. He was met by Pujya Yogvivekdas Swami... read more →
Today's podcast episode is a special two hour event from the Karmapa's recent trip to Europe. In this wonderful teaching, the Gyalwang Karmapa discusses how to use meditation to develop... read more →
June 1, 2016 - Evry, France This afternoon the Gyalwang Karmapa visited the new Vietnamese temple complex, called Chua Khanh Anh, named after a great Vietnamese master and located south... read more →
Today is the first day of 2016 and as such we are very happy to present you with a new Podcast episode where His Holiness gives a brief but powerful... read more →
Bodhicharya Centre, Berlin, Germany–September, 2015 More than 350 people comprising representatives of Bodhicharya centres across Europe, members and supporters of the Berlin centre, and invited guests crowded into the main... read more →
Bonn, Germany – 30 August, 2015 For his final public talk during his trip to Europe, His Holiness the Karmapa opened by expressing his hope that the audience felt satisfied... read more →
Bonn, Germany – 29th August, 2015 After a full day of teachings, His Holiness the Karmapa set aside time to meet with Tibetans living in Europe. During a special audience... read more →