12 November, 2014, Bodhgaya The Gyalwang Karmapa has often quipped that the word ‘Karmapa’ is somewhat equivalent in meaning to “Action Man”. He is now recognised as a leader who ‘does’ as well as ‘says’, and repeatedly urges his followers to transform their Buddhist beliefs into action. “Because our lives... read more →
November 9, 2014, Tergar Monastery, Bodhgaya Khöndong Ratna Vajra Rinpoche visited the Gyalwang Karmapa at Tergar Monastery this morning. Rinpoche was received with the highest honours and escorted in procession to the Karmapa’s residence, where the two spiritual leaders spent half-an-hour in private conversation. The Karmapa then presented Ratna Vajra... read more →
(5 November, 2014 - Bodhgaya) The Gyalwang Karmapa left Tergar Monastery at 9 am today to pay homage at the central shrine of Buddhism, the Mahabodhi Temple, home to the Bodhi tree and other sites linked with the time when Shakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment. Mr N.T. Dorje, Secretary of the... read more →
(27 October, 2014 – Delhi) His Holiness the 17th Karmapa was chief speaker at an all-day symposium on the songs of awakening of Milarepa, Tibet’s most widely revered “yogin par excellence,” as he was described during the event. The day’s exploration of Milarepa’s poetic works was co-hosted by the International... read more →
(19 October, 2014 - Dharamsala) The Gyalwang Karmapa met with a group of nuns from Tilokpur Nunnery upon their completion of a three-day training workshop in confidence-building, management skills and gender awareness. The training was provided by Jagori, a highly-respected local organization committed to women’s empowerment, and was organized for... read more →
(18 October, 2014 - Gopalpur) His Holiness the Karmapa spent the day as chief guest of the Tibetan SOS Children’s Village in Gopalpur, northern India, during its 16th Annual Sport’s Day. Along with officially inaugurating the daylong event, the Gyalwang Karmapa was requested by the organizers to deliver an address... read more →
(15 October, 2014 - Dharamsala) An international delegation of women’s rights activists met today with His Holiness the Karmapa as part of their global campaign for women’s empowerment. The group came seeking spiritual advice to sustain them in their work as gender activists,and requested the Gyalwang Karmapa’s blessing for their... read more →