The North American Kagyu Monlam at York College, Queens, New York -- June 7, 2018 On this second day of the Monlam, as on the first, the Karmapa was led... read more →
This winter the 26th Sakya Monlam Chenmo will be held in Bodhgaya from December 26, 2017 to January 4, 2018, and the Gedun Chotrul Chenmo and Jang Guncho will be... read more →
The sharp, unhesitant and unbounded voice of a debater punctured the air in Tergar monastery one recent afternoon this March. Commanding, it webbed layer after layer of analytical reasoning, tethering... read more →
Today the Karmapa began with the section in the Ornament of Precious Liberation on the eight benefits of aspirational bodhichitta. The first benefit is that aspirational bodhichitta is the gateway into the... read more →