Time Asia's April 22 issue selected His Holiness Karmapa as one of the Asian Heroes from Tibet. "These heroes have won battles for noble causes, surmounted the greatest of odds... read more →
BY MICHAEL FATHERS Sixteen-year-old Ugyen Trinley Dorje, the most senior religious leader in Tibet until he fled the country 15 months ago, has spoken for the first time since he... read more →
Interview with His Holiness Apr 29, 2001 (United Kingdom) BY LUKE HARDING THE LHATOK region of eastern Tibet is about as remote as the country gets. Only a few hardy... read more →
BY LUKE HARDING THE LHATOK region of eastern Tibet is about as remote as the country gets. Only a few hardy nomads eke out a living here, tending their yaks... read more →
(July 23, 1992) TEXT: DEPARTMENT OF RELIGION AND CULTURE Central Tibetan Administration of H.H. Dalai Lama HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA RECOGNIZED THE 17TH GYALWA KARMAPA A Special Official Notification... read more →
“The boy born to Karma Döndrub and Loga in the Wood-Ox Year (of the Tibetan calendar) identifies with the prediction letter (left by the late Karmapa) and is hereby recognized... read more →
While His Holiness was at Tsurphu, the Karmapa fulfilled the traditional responsibilities of the Karmapa, ministering to the Tibetan people and supporting Tsurphu Monastery. The monastery underwent extensive rebuilding to... read more →