August 3rd 2013 – Gyuto Monastery, Dharamsala Meeting today in Dharamsala, India, with a large group of foreign-born Tibetan children who are currently on a Summer Camp Program, the Gyalwang Karmapa urged them to remember the difficulties faced by Tibetans living in Tibet. The group of about 60 students included... read more →
I was deeply saddened to hear of the senseless violence perpetrated today at the Mahabodhi temple and its environs in Bodhgaya. This is the place where Buddhist pilgrims from India and the world over pay homage to Lord Buddha and his teachings. As yet we do not know why or... read more →
30 June 2013 – Gyuto Monastery, Dharamsala A few days after his 28th birthday the Gyalwang Karmapa delighted local students and devotees by giving an impromptu teaching at the request of students at Gyuto Monastery, his temporary residence. Although the teaching was unplanned, word had quickly spread and a crowd... read more →
28 June 2013, Gyuto Monastery – Dharamsala The Gyalwang Karmapa today met with students from the Edinburgh University Tibet Society, offering them practical and skillful guidance on dealing with the inner challenges encountered when working for the Tibet cause. The group of 16 students, coming from countries including the United... read more →
21-22 June 2013, Delhi. Gyalwang Karmapa convened a meeting to initiate an overhaul of education for Tibetan Buddhist nuns, and particularly for nuns of the Karma Kagyu tradition. Over the course of two days, the Gyalwang Karmapa met with senior members of eight nunneries to discuss plans to offer nuns... read more →
18th June 2013 - Habitat Center, New Delhi. His Holiness the Karmapa’s new book was the talk of the town in Delhi, India this week, where it was officially released by the eminent social activist Aruna Roy. Entitled The Heart Is Noble: Changing the World from the Inside out, the... read more →
31 May 2013 – Gyuto Monastery, Dharamsala Over 500 Buddhists from across India recently converged on Gyuto Monastery to receive a teaching from the Gyalwang Karmapa. The Nalanda Shiksha group, representing Buddhist associations from throughout the country, met with the Gyalwang Karmapa on the eve of their annual teachings with... read more →