October 23, 2009 - TCV School, Dharamsala His Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa was requested to grace the 49th founding anniversary ceremony, as the chief guest, of the Tibetan Children's Village School. School children eagerly awaiting His Holiness' arrival, just to catch a glimpse of him. (more…)
October 11th, 2009 - Dharamsala Second day of the 25th founding anniversary of Lower Tibetan Children Village School, His Holiness was invited as the Chief Guest of the program. The highlight of the second days program was the inter school 8th grade dialectic contest, where students debate on Buddhist philosophy... read more →
A French-language verson of the website for His Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa has been opened under the auspices of His Holiness Karmapas Office of Administration. Please visit us at: www.kagyuoffice-fr.org Le Site Officiel Français de Sa Sainteté le XVIIe Karmapa Orgyèn Trinley Dorjé, Chef spirituel et détenteur de la lignée Karma... read more →
Conference on Environmental Protection His Holiness thanked everybody who had been involved in the conference, particularly Dekil Chungyalpa, without whom the conference would not have been possible, and congratulated the monasteries for participating in this second conference. He said how much he appreciated their efforts but the motivation was important. ... read more →
Conference on Environmental Protection - Day 6 - October 8, 2009 - Dharamsala Dekil began with an account of climate change because of global warming, which has led to increased rainfall in some areas and drought in others, glaciers in the Himalaya were shrinking, sea levels were rising, extreme weather... read more →
Conference on Environmental Protection - Day 5 - October 7, 2009 - Dharamsala Question and Answer Session Dekil Chungyalpa answered questions arising from Tuesday's sessions on wildlife protection. Some key points that emerged: The monastic community has a responsibility to lead and give advice on environmental issues. Protecting the environment... read more →
Conference on Environmental Protection - Day 4 - October 6, 2009 - Dharamsala The morning began with a question and answer session. Waste Management The main topic for the morning was waste management. Dr Anjan Kumar Kalia (Him Renewable Energy Consultants) gave a clear and comprehensive presentation on waste... read more →