December 21, 2009 - Tergar Monastery, Bodhgaya 2nd Annual Teaching for Foreign Students: Day 2 An audience approaching 2,000 people shared four extraordinary hours today with His Holiness, as the teachings on Nagarjuna’s "Letter to a Friend" continued into their second day. His Holiness’ exceptional range as a teacher was... read more →
December 18, 2009 - Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhgaya His Holiness was requested to attend the 8th Jonang Monlam and to lead the prayer ceremonies. At the Jonang Monlam entrance gate, His Holiness was welcomed by Khen Rinpoche Choe-kyi Nangpa Chog of the Jonang Tradition. His Holiness was escorted to the main... read more →
December 18, 2009 - Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhgaya 2nd Annual Teaching for Foreign Students: Day 1 Today His Holiness began his long-awaited annual teachings for foreign students. For three days at Tergar Monastery in Bodhgaya, His Holiness will be giving a commentary on Nagarjuna’s "Letter to a Friend"- a text mainly... read more →
December 13, 2009 - Tergar Monastery, Bodhgaya At His Holiness’ request, this year’s Winter Debate Session includes a five-day conference entirely devoted to the vinaya, or monastic discipline. In preparation for the event, in the fall of this year, each of the Kagyu monasteries had sent delegates to Dharamsala for... read more →
The entire 27th Kagyu Monlam Chenmo will be broadcast live on starting from December 20th, 2009 until January 1, 2010. The first broadcast will be of Dharma Teachings by His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa on "A Letter to a Friend".
December 8, 2009 - Tergar Monastery, Bodhgaya Teachings, Day Five: Following yesterday’s debate-style discussion of the various schools’ views on the three vows, His Holiness began by commenting that it is crucial that we have a clear understanding as to what our own position is and what that of others... read more →
December 7, 2009 - Tergar Monastery, Bodhgaya Teachings, Day Four: In today’s teaching, His Holiness moved deep into philosophical territory, exploring a range of positions on the nature of vows. The main question raised was whether the three types of vow are one in nature or distinct. His Holiness’ skills... read more →