1st September – Dekyiling Tibetan Settlement, Dehradun. His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa conferred the Tara empowerment (seng-den nag-kyi-dolma wang) and gave teaching at the Tibetan settlement of Dekyiling. The... read more →
31st August – Dekyiling Tibetan Settlement, Dehradun. - His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa graced the 25th anniversary of Mila's Se-cham – a ritual religious ceremonial dance. The day-long program commenced... read more →
21st August -Dharamsala His Holiness will be on a religious tour where he will give Tara empowerment and religious discourse to the Tibetan Settlement in Sahastradhara - Dehradhun, from 31st... read more →
8th August - Dharamsala On the day of commemorating his first year in office as the elected head of the Tibetan people, Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay and his cabinet... read more →
5th - 9th June -Norbulingka Institute, Dharamsala Day Two Day Two began with a science tutorial by Dekila Chungyalpa, the conference facilitator, for the gathered monks and nuns on different... read more →
5th - 9th June -Norbulingka Institute, Dharamsala First Hand Account Given the focus of this year's conference, it seemed appropriate that, as the delegates gathered in the grounds of the... read more →
5th June - Dharamsala, Norbulingkha Celebrating World Environment Day, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa and the Honorable Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament launched the 4th Khoryug Conference on Environmental Protection... read more →